Just finished Sunday long run. 30 miles yesterday and 20 icy, icy, icy miles this morning. One more long run tomorrow and then an "easy" week. Some areas of the road were much more like ice skating than running. Once cars started coming out I took it to woods for safety reasons, but before that I was having some fun skating down the hilly roads! I pretty much had been running strictly trails for the last 2 years but because of all the ice and having to run pretty much always in the dark I have been running roads for the last 2 months. Today however, circumstances allowed my run to be almost all in daylight and it was GREAT running out on the trails today. I bit it pretty hard on an ice covered rock, which resulted in my quad being very nicely stretched out - I then spent a good 30 minutes entertaining the idea of falling in the same way to stretch out the other quad and if that was even possible.

Made a nice batch of Scott Jurek "Recovery Chili" (from the Jurek's book "Eat and Run") modified with Red Quinoa instead of Bulgar - but absolutely delicious, topped with Avocado and my go-to for cold weather post-long run recovery.
Yesterday, relaxing at the firepit - after long run... sunny and 25.. gorgeous out and props to my hubby, Nate, for (tolerating all the hours devoted to training for this race) keeping the fire going!
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